Follett details
Education Management
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Follett Location
Westchester, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois
United States
North America
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Postal Code:
Follett Employees
Melissa Burnett
Customer Service Representativ
Kestutis Rushing
Team Lead
Josh Yezek
Web Designer
Tracy Laubach
Outside Sales Consultant K-12
Ann Wilson
Mikhaila Young
Team Lead
Raghunandan Kini
Edward Slaughter
Sales Associate
Bill Scarlett
Director, Software Engineering
Jared Mccoy
Tony Kusz
Devops And Test Automation Eng
Denise Blankenship
Business Analyst And State Con
Clayton Daniels
Vice President Financial Share
Allison Sleeper
Textbook Coordinator At Follet
Jordan Maciver
Associate Buyer - Technology
Andreas Hofmann
Senior Implementation Speciali
John Katkus
Computer Technician
Shelby Choiniere
Assistant Manager
Kelsey Markham
Sales Associate
Lindsey Robinson
Licensing Manager
Patrick Sullivan
Internal Controls Manager
Kathie Whiteman
Dylan Hawthorne
Carrie Mccann
Legacy Maker, Independent Cons
Amanda Everson
Nau Bookstore: Retail Team Mem
Oren Jones
Fulfillment Supervisor
Leon Meadors
Assistant Manager
Susan Hansen
Training Coordinator
Clark Brenner
Sales Floor Team Member
Wesley Graley
College Store Manager
Paige Faulkner
Field Sales Representative
Brock Rubsam
Purchasing Account Executive
Marsha Hammer
Senior Instructional Designer
Zachary Demchyk
Regional Sales Manager, Northe
Kristen Watkins
Production Designer Of Private
Rich Espineli
Systems Engineer At Follett So
Christi Caister
Senior Financial Analyst
Kenya Henson
Geoff Barratt
Textbook Buyer
Adam Schoolcraft
Software Development Lead
Linda Lambel
Christie Holman
Program Manager, State Reporti
Cherry Smillie
Store Manager
Lance Edmonds
Production Supervisor
Lori Brennan
Emily Wiant
Manager Of Human Resources Pro
Patrick Flight
Assistant Controller
Kent Bishop
Sales Consultant
Cheryl Brand
Vice President, Compensation A
Richard Klein
Senior Implementation Speciali
Julie Ruppert
Merchandise Planning Manager
Deepak Agarwal
Lead Developer
Colleen Boylan
Assistant Store Manager
Samuel Henry
Associate Software Developer
Michele Carbonara
Inside Sales Manager
Amanda Gott
Assistant Store Manager
Lynn Patton
Software Test Engineer
Ta'rika Common
Digital Analyst
Jake Fritz
Account Executive- Purchasing
Elizabeth Dearmond
Order Filler
Daniel Stephenson
Strategic Account Executive At
Gia Ramos
Senior Executive Assistant To
Griffin Mcgee
Sales Associate
Shawn Abbott
Senior Technical Support Analy
Alex Maxwell
Technical Analyst Ii
Matthew Paur
Sales Development Consultant
Jonathan Norquist
Digital Designer
Caitlin Pachuta
Planning Manager
Viral Patel
Directory Services Architect
Ericka Lawrence
Senior Internal Communications
Michele Steigerwald
Marketing Coordinator
Hannah Anderson
Seasonal Sales Associate
Saul Roundtree
Receiving Lead
Derrick Lewellen
Sales Associate
Jessika Williams
Team Member
Nancy Lepp
Software Consultant
Florencia Salinas
Team Lead
Horace Satmar
Principal Developer
Caroline Terpstra
General Merchandise Manager
Paul Joly
Network Operations Engineer
Kimberly Klug
Sales Executive
Brad Thomas
Associate Product Manager
Paul Yoon
Treasury Operations
Kristin Klein
Meeting Planner
David Cole
Account Manager
Lanyon Clute
Senior Technician Support Spec
Georgeanne Bonifanti
Library Software Contractor
Debbie Lanaski
Contract Coordinator
Bill Carangelo
Online Sales Manager
Rachael Johnson
Inventory Accountant
Don Gregory
Principal Developer
Thomas Zuber
Technical Support Manager
Emily Gregory
National Sales Director, Us An
Rebecca Johnson
Senior Project Manager
Alysandra Petry
Sales Associate
Jerome Madden
Data Services Engineer
Christopher Hottel
Educational Technology Consult
John Bunting
It Infrastructure Lead
Shelley Jilek
Sales Executive
Connie Devries
Sales Executive At Follett Sof
Aaron Peasley
Outside Sales Consultant
Francisca Torres
Intermediate Accountant
Kathy Wright
Store Manager
Denise Chrisman
Outside Sales Representative
Catherine Noorlag
Replenishment Analyst
Sue Clements
Account Manager
Jutichai Vatanagul
Cyber Security Operations Anal
Aaron Stout
Director Of U.S Sales, Healthc
Kevin Hinds
Sales Executive
Lori Siemek
Technical Team Lead
Keegan Schlie
Merchandising Intern
Dave Howell
Senior Developer
Juan Medina
Temporary Retail Team Member
Nathaniel Vanderwerff
Bob Fred
College Bookstore Manager
Stephanie Davern
National Manager Sales Develop
Jason Jamnik
Manager Analytics - Ecommerce
Tom Feldmann
Software Developer
Thomas Leverenz
Technical Support Analyst Ii
Peter Martin
Quality Assurance Engineer
Chandler Kantner
Marketing Coordinator
Falon Bentz
Assistant Store Manager
Judy Yurczyk
Senior Research Analyst
Tracy Laubach
Outside Sales Consultant K-12
Raghunandan Kini
Edward Slaughter
Sales Associate
Kelsey Markham
Sales Associate
Clark Brenner
Sales Floor Team Member
Paige Faulkner
Field Sales Representative
Zachary Demchyk
Regional Sales Manager, Northe
Kent Bishop
Sales Consultant
Michele Carbonara
Inside Sales Manager
Griffin Mcgee
Sales Associate
Matthew Paur
Sales Development Consultant
Hannah Anderson
Seasonal Sales Associate
Derrick Lewellen
Sales Associate
Kimberly Klug
Sales Executive
David Cole
Account Manager
Bill Carangelo
Online Sales Manager
Emily Gregory
National Sales Director, Us An
Alysandra Petry
Sales Associate
Shelley Jilek
Sales Executive
Aaron Peasley
Outside Sales Consultant
Denise Chrisman
Outside Sales Representative
Sue Clements
Account Manager
Aaron Stout
Director Of U.S Sales, Healthc
Kevin Hinds
Sales Executive
Stephanie Davern
National Manager Sales Develop
Clayton Daniels
Vice President Financial Share
Brock Rubsam
Purchasing Account Executive
Christi Caister
Senior Financial Analyst
Jake Fritz
Account Executive- Purchasing
Rachael Johnson
Inventory Accountant
Francisca Torres
Intermediate Accountant
Denise Blankenship
Business Analyst And State Con
Christie Holman
Program Manager, State Reporti
Brad Thomas
Associate Product Manager
Paul Yoon
Treasury Operations
Rebecca Johnson
Senior Project Manager
Jutichai Vatanagul
Cyber Security Operations Anal
Kestutis Rushing
Team Lead
Ann Wilson
Mikhaila Young
Team Lead
Jared Mccoy
Allison Sleeper
Textbook Coordinator At Follet
Jordan Maciver
Associate Buyer - Technology
Andreas Hofmann
Senior Implementation Speciali
John Katkus
Computer Technician
Shelby Choiniere
Assistant Manager
Lindsey Robinson
Licensing Manager
Patrick Sullivan
Internal Controls Manager
Kathie Whiteman
Dylan Hawthorne
Carrie Mccann
Legacy Maker, Independent Cons
Amanda Everson
Nau Bookstore: Retail Team Mem
Oren Jones
Fulfillment Supervisor
Leon Meadors
Assistant Manager
Wesley Graley
College Store Manager
Kenya Henson
Geoff Barratt
Textbook Buyer
Linda Lambel
Cherry Smillie
Store Manager
Lori Brennan
Patrick Flight
Assistant Controller
Richard Klein
Senior Implementation Speciali
Julie Ruppert
Merchandise Planning Manager
Colleen Boylan
Assistant Store Manager
Amanda Gott
Assistant Store Manager
Ta'rika Common
Digital Analyst
Elizabeth Dearmond
Order Filler
Alex Maxwell
Technical Analyst Ii
Caitlin Pachuta
Planning Manager
Viral Patel
Directory Services Architect
Saul Roundtree
Receiving Lead
Jessika Williams
Team Member
Florencia Salinas
Team Lead
Caroline Terpstra
General Merchandise Manager
Kristin Klein
Meeting Planner
Debbie Lanaski
Contract Coordinator
Kathy Wright
Store Manager
Catherine Noorlag
Replenishment Analyst
Lori Siemek
Technical Team Lead
Keegan Schlie
Merchandising Intern
Juan Medina
Temporary Retail Team Member
Nathaniel Vanderwerff
Bob Fred
College Bookstore Manager
Jason Jamnik
Manager Analytics - Ecommerce
Falon Bentz
Assistant Store Manager
Susan Hansen
Training Coordinator
Emily Wiant
Manager Of Human Resources Pro
Cheryl Brand
Vice President, Compensation A
Ericka Lawrence
Senior Internal Communications
Melissa Burnett
Customer Service Representativ
Shawn Abbott
Senior Technical Support Analy
Lanyon Clute
Senior Technician Support Spec
Thomas Zuber
Technical Support Manager
Thomas Leverenz
Technical Support Analyst Ii
Bill Scarlett
Director, Software Engineering
Tony Kusz
Devops And Test Automation Eng
Rich Espineli
Systems Engineer At Follett So
Adam Schoolcraft
Software Development Lead
Deepak Agarwal
Lead Developer
Samuel Henry
Associate Software Developer
Lynn Patton
Software Test Engineer
Daniel Stephenson
Strategic Account Executive At
Nancy Lepp
Software Consultant
Horace Satmar
Principal Developer
Paul Joly
Network Operations Engineer
Georgeanne Bonifanti
Library Software Contractor
Don Gregory
Principal Developer
Jerome Madden
Data Services Engineer
John Bunting
It Infrastructure Lead
Connie Devries
Sales Executive At Follett Sof
Dave Howell
Senior Developer
Tom Feldmann
Software Developer
Peter Martin
Quality Assurance Engineer
In what year was Follett founded?
Follett was founded in the year 1873.
In which industry does Follett operate?
Follett operates in the Education Management industry.
How many employees does Follett have?
Follett has between 10001+ employees.
Where is Follett located?
Follett is located in westchester, illinois, united states.
What is the postal code for Follett's office?
The postal code for Follett's office is 60154.
What is the official website of Follett?
The official website of Follett is