Petrofac details
Oil & Energy
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Petrofac Location
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Greater London
United Kingdom
Street Address:
117 Jermyn Street
Address 2:
Postal Code:
Petrofac Employees
Demitrius Williams
Accounts Receivable Analyst
Grant Wilson
Ab And Crane Operator
Alan Fowlie
Mechanical Specialist
Katie Shaw
Process Content Creator
Farhan Afridi
Cow Production Operator
Adrian Swan
Quantity Surveyor
Johnny Mitchell
Loler Focal Point Available
Reg Gibson
Rigging Supervisor
Gwen Folland
Head Of Government And Stakeho
Jonathan Smith
Offshore Pipefitter
Sara Jaafar
Procurement Engineer - Buyer
Amit Gupta
Senior Engineer
John Speirs
Fire And Gas Technician
Karin Tighe
Offshore Planner
Ibrahim Moussa
Senior Project Engineer
Ross Downie
Trainee Instrument Technician
Mike Good
Team Lead
Dave Jenney
Appointed Person
Santhosh Antony
Senior Superintendent Of Build
Mick Pearce
Instrument Engineer
Gordon Hendry
Deepthy Isaac
Deputy Manager Human Resources
Christopher Gair
Level 3 Rope Access T And L An
Gregory Hendrickson
Iain Heneghan
Engineering And Integrity Team
Steve Thom
Electrical Technician
Chris Rice
Mechanical Technician
Gennadiy Dolgopolov
Senior Superintendent - E And
Joisy Mejias
Piping Engineer
Richard Cook
Technical Delivery Manager
Jamie Kidd
Production Technician
John Sharp
Safety Team Lead
David Trainor
Instrument Technician
Jon Vipond
Senior Field Coordinator
Archie Dick
Barge Master
Jeanne Santos
Project Secretary
Ehsan Kian
Digital Transformation And Cha
Swaminathan Sundaramurthy
Qc Inspector
Lyn Lewis
Project Administrator
Becky Russell
Commercial Assistant
Jonathan Mann
Senior Subsea Supervisor
Joseph Sahyoun
Site Superintendent - Early Wo
Ramamurthy Narshya
Engineering Director- Offshore
Graham Wilson
Control Room Operator
Marcus Crouch
Offshore Construction Supervis
Chris Laird
Commercial And Cost Manager
Ajeeb Backer
Hsse Advisor - Subcontractor M
Lorna Gerrard
Financial Controller - Eps Wes
Umang Shah
Construction Manager
Stuart Mitchell
Project Manager
Kyle Oliphant
Graduate Electrical Engineer
Fraser Ross
Senior Instrument Designer
Ian Mitchell
Telecommunications Technician
Eoin Dixon
Service Line Manager - Materia
Bryan Morrison
Onshore Mechanical Resourcer
Dave Blackburn
Senior Vice President - Eps We
Jerry Morala
Senior Supervisor Construction
Carol Grant
Senior Aviation Co-Ordinator
Kenneth Robertson
Carl Thompson
Senior Vice President Finance
Ranjana Sharma
Senior Engineer Process
David Nguyen
Asset Management Consultant
Carol Mackie
Lead Planning Engineer
Vijayakumar Sangaiah
Senior Process Engineer
Fiona Edwards
Jim Burton
Project Director
Craig Mckay
Graduate Process Engineer
Donna Woods
Offshore Maintenance Scheduler
Jamie Wylie
Offshore Instrument Technician
Scott Duthie
Metering Engineer
Lee Harvey
Electrical Technician
Ahmed Dar
Consultant Process Engineer
Willie Watt
Maintenance Supervisor
Romen Shah
Project Manager
Hannah Smith
Senior Project Planner
Dan Parker
Construction General Foreman
Craig Giles
Senior Piping Designer
Allan Slinn
Deck Crew + Stand Inn Deck For
Peter Thomas
Marine Supervisor
Graeme Ewan
Senior Piping Designer
Jim Ashley
Senior Drilling Engineer
Douglas Kidd
Production Technician
Baghail Gill
Senior Contracts Engineer
Garry Mccrary
Seervices Lieutenant
Hernan Mora
Country Manager
James Tarrier
Electrical Technician
Steven Strachan
Principal Structural Designer
Kris Mcgregor
Deck Crew And Rigger
Kenny Monk
Lawrie Thomson
Ian Anderson
Structural Integrity Engineer
Linda Murray
Environmental Advisor
David Latham
Instrument Technician
John Wells
Production Technician
Kristopher Newbold
Electrical Technician
Matt Donnelly
Rig Electrician
Marc Norton
Mechanical Technician
Glenn Taylor
Crane Operator
Jon Beaver
Mechanical Technician
Christine Horsfall
Human Resources Coordinator
Michael Campbell
Manager - Network And Hosting
Klaudia Kasperek
Resourcing Administrator
Linda Stewart
Senior Buyer
Lee Matthews
Sharad Singhvi
Vice President Human Resources
James Thompson
Offshore Control Room Operator
Goldima Chindaba
Safety Engineer
John Mccormick
Instrument Technician
Gerry Ramos
Telecommunications Engineer
Leighton Yapp
Mechanical Supervisor
Iain Murray
Vice President Strategy And Bu
Kristopher Ball
Barge Operator And Mcro
Manuel Padron
Human Resources Learning And D
Joe Hanlon
Senior Electrical Engineer
Ross Spence
Marine Technician
Lubna Marjan
Graduate Engineer - Hse Design
Chris Sheils
Senior Structural Designer
Heather Lynch
Document Controller
Dave Morrice
Pwu And Rpe
Craig Strachan
Instrument Technician
Dave Tighe
Offshore Medic
Andrea Macejak
Qa Editor
Alex Richmond
Metering Engineer
Jason Grimble
Operations Engineer
George Louden
Major Emergency Management Ins
Jason Weir
Electrical Technician
Sudhir Nair
Senior Electrical Engineer
Tom Mccusker
Regional Director - Plant Asse
Peter Scott
Production Operator
Callum Watson
Senior Mechanical Technician
Laura Jack
Contracts And Procurement Assi
Shane Smith
Operations Lead Reliability An
Craig Malcolm
Mechanical Technician
Craig Hills
Principal Structural Designer
Khaled Shrouf
Vice President Operations
Deepthy Isaac
Deputy Manager Human Resources
Christine Horsfall
Human Resources Coordinator
Sharad Singhvi
Vice President Human Resources
Manuel Padron
Human Resources Learning And D
Alan Fowlie
Mechanical Specialist
Katie Shaw
Process Content Creator
Adrian Swan
Quantity Surveyor
Johnny Mitchell
Loler Focal Point Available
Reg Gibson
Rigging Supervisor
Gwen Folland
Head Of Government And Stakeho
Jonathan Smith
Offshore Pipefitter
John Speirs
Fire And Gas Technician
Karin Tighe
Offshore Planner
Ross Downie
Trainee Instrument Technician
Mike Good
Team Lead
Dave Jenney
Appointed Person
Christopher Gair
Level 3 Rope Access T And L An
Gregory Hendrickson
Chris Rice
Mechanical Technician
Gennadiy Dolgopolov
Senior Superintendent - E And
Richard Cook
Technical Delivery Manager
John Sharp
Safety Team Lead
David Trainor
Instrument Technician
Jon Vipond
Senior Field Coordinator
Archie Dick
Barge Master
Jeanne Santos
Project Secretary
Ehsan Kian
Digital Transformation And Cha
Swaminathan Sundaramurthy
Qc Inspector
Lyn Lewis
Project Administrator
Becky Russell
Commercial Assistant
Jonathan Mann
Senior Subsea Supervisor
Joseph Sahyoun
Site Superintendent - Early Wo
Chris Laird
Commercial And Cost Manager
Ajeeb Backer
Hsse Advisor - Subcontractor M
Ian Mitchell
Telecommunications Technician
Eoin Dixon
Service Line Manager - Materia
Bryan Morrison
Onshore Mechanical Resourcer
Dave Blackburn
Senior Vice President - Eps We
Carol Grant
Senior Aviation Co-Ordinator
Kenneth Robertson
Fiona Edwards
Jim Burton
Project Director
Donna Woods
Offshore Maintenance Scheduler
Jamie Wylie
Offshore Instrument Technician
Willie Watt
Maintenance Supervisor
Hannah Smith
Senior Project Planner
Allan Slinn
Deck Crew + Stand Inn Deck For
Peter Thomas
Marine Supervisor
Garry Mccrary
Seervices Lieutenant
Hernan Mora
Country Manager
Kris Mcgregor
Deck Crew And Rigger
Kenny Monk
Lawrie Thomson
Linda Murray
Environmental Advisor
David Latham
Instrument Technician
Marc Norton
Mechanical Technician
Jon Beaver
Mechanical Technician
Klaudia Kasperek
Resourcing Administrator
Linda Stewart
Senior Buyer
Lee Matthews
John Mccormick
Instrument Technician
Leighton Yapp
Mechanical Supervisor
Ross Spence
Marine Technician
Heather Lynch
Document Controller
Dave Morrice
Pwu And Rpe
Craig Strachan
Instrument Technician
Dave Tighe
Offshore Medic
Callum Watson
Senior Mechanical Technician
Craig Malcolm
Mechanical Technician
Grant Wilson
Ab And Crane Operator
Graham Wilson
Control Room Operator
Stuart Mitchell
Project Manager
Romen Shah
Project Manager
Glenn Taylor
Crane Operator
James Thompson
Offshore Control Room Operator
Kristopher Ball
Barge Operator And Mcro
Shane Smith
Operations Lead Reliability An
Khaled Shrouf
Vice President Operations
Santhosh Antony
Senior Superintendent Of Build
Gordon Hendry
Steve Thom
Electrical Technician
Marcus Crouch
Offshore Construction Supervis
Umang Shah
Construction Manager
Jerry Morala
Senior Supervisor Construction
Lee Harvey
Electrical Technician
Dan Parker
Construction General Foreman
James Tarrier
Electrical Technician
Kristopher Newbold
Electrical Technician
Matt Donnelly
Rig Electrician
Jason Weir
Electrical Technician
Demitrius Williams
Accounts Receivable Analyst
Lorna Gerrard
Financial Controller - Eps Wes
Carl Thompson
Senior Vice President Finance
David Nguyen
Asset Management Consultant
Tom Mccusker
Regional Director - Plant Asse
Farhan Afridi
Cow Production Operator
Jamie Kidd
Production Technician
Douglas Kidd
Production Technician
John Wells
Production Technician
Andrea Macejak
Qa Editor
Peter Scott
Production Operator
Fraser Ross
Senior Instrument Designer
Craig Giles
Senior Piping Designer
Graeme Ewan
Senior Piping Designer
Steven Strachan
Principal Structural Designer
Chris Sheils
Senior Structural Designer
Craig Hills
Principal Structural Designer
Sara Jaafar
Procurement Engineer - Buyer
Amit Gupta
Senior Engineer
Ibrahim Moussa
Senior Project Engineer
Mick Pearce
Instrument Engineer
Iain Heneghan
Engineering And Integrity Team
Joisy Mejias
Piping Engineer
Ramamurthy Narshya
Engineering Director- Offshore
Kyle Oliphant
Graduate Electrical Engineer
Ranjana Sharma
Senior Engineer Process
Carol Mackie
Lead Planning Engineer
Vijayakumar Sangaiah
Senior Process Engineer
Craig Mckay
Graduate Process Engineer
Scott Duthie
Metering Engineer
Ahmed Dar
Consultant Process Engineer
Jim Ashley
Senior Drilling Engineer
Baghail Gill
Senior Contracts Engineer
Ian Anderson
Structural Integrity Engineer
Michael Campbell
Manager - Network And Hosting
Goldima Chindaba
Safety Engineer
Gerry Ramos
Telecommunications Engineer
Joe Hanlon
Senior Electrical Engineer
Lubna Marjan
Graduate Engineer - Hse Design
Alex Richmond
Metering Engineer
Jason Grimble
Operations Engineer
Sudhir Nair
Senior Electrical Engineer
In what year was Petrofac founded?
Petrofac was founded in the year 1981.
In which industry does Petrofac operate?
Petrofac operates in the Oil & Energy industry.
How many employees does Petrofac have?
Petrofac has between 10001+ employees.
Where is Petrofac located?
Petrofac is located in london, greater london, united kingdom.
What is the official website of Petrofac?
The official website of Petrofac is